Below you will see the recreational class schedule for the 2024-2025 Dance Season. These classes do not have a pre-requisite (you can take the class on its own without needing any others).
*Competitive level classes will not show up unless you are pre-approved in the class. If you are looking to join our competition team, please contact us for an evaluation.
If you are new to Bold and interested in competition level classes, please contact us at
Coming to Bold was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Starting at the beginning of the year, we didn't really know each other - and now we are best friends!
- Jaelyn P, Bold Dancer
Bold Recreational 2024-2025 Class Schedule
*Schedule is subject to change*
Yellow classes - 5 or less spots left in the class
Red classes - Class is full (but still put yourself on the wait list, if we get enough we sometimes will open a new class time!)
Blue Classes - New Class Time Offered!
Please Note: All of the classes in this table run from September 2024 through to May 2025
*If on your mobile, you may want to click "view desktop mode" at the bottom of your screen to read the table easier
Class Name | Birth Year | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Saturday |
Princess Ballerinas | 2020 & 2021 |
| 5:00-5:30 | 5:00-5:30
Combo | 2020 & 2021 |
| | 5:30-6:00 |
Pre-Primary Jazz | 2018 & 2019 |
| 5:00-5:30 | 6:00-6:30 | |
Pre-Primary Ballet | 2018 & 2019 |
| 5:30-6:00 | 6:00-6:30 | |
Pre-Primary Tap | 2018 & 2019 | 6:00-6:30 | |
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Hip Hop Minis | 2018 & 2019 |
| 5:45-6:15
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Junior Hip Hop Rec | 2013-2017 |
| 6:15-7:00
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Junior Ballet/Contemporary | 2013-2017 |
| 7:00-7:30 | | | |
Junior Jazz Rec | 2013- 2017 |
| | 6:00-6:45 | | |
Junior Tap | 2017 and earlier | 6:30-7:00 |
Pre-Teen Hip Hop | 2014 and earlier
| 7:00-7:45 |
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Wondering which class is right for you? Click here to see class descriptions!